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Serving the Neurodiverse in Your Library

In these divided and troublesome times, interactions with angry or contentious library patrons are a part of many librarians’ daily work life.


These difficult and often unreasonable patrons are on a mission to tell and show you how they feel. Their behaviors really can be challenging! 


The good news is that you can choose to not let them drag you down or ruin your day. And by using a few proven techniques and questions some of these angry patrons could actually leave feeling better! 


This interactive webinar is filled with practical and useful information that you can use to more effectively handle your angry patrons the next time they are in front of you.  


Participants will learn and begin to master: 

•          Using the E+R=O technique to reduce stress and improve their response to situations they can or cannot control 

•          3 powerful techniques for not “eating the angry customer's poison” and not taking things personally 

•          Specific phrases to use with customers that help keep emotions under control

Serving the Neurodiverse in Your Library

  • Carrie Rogers-Whitehead is the founder of Digital Respons-Ability, a mission-based company that teaches digital citizenship to tens of thousands of parents, students, and educators across the world. Before starting Digital Respons-Ability, Carrie worked about a decade in public libraries. Carrie regularly writes, speaks and researches on digital citizenship and education. She is the author of several academic books including: Digital Citizenship: Teaching Strategies and Practice From the Field (Rowman & Littlefield, 2019) and Becoming a Digital Parent: A Practical Guide to Help Families Navigate Technology (Routledge, 2020) and the The 3Ms of Fearless Digital Parenting: Proven Tools to Help You Raise Smart and Savvy Online Kids (Skyhorse Publishing, 2021). Her latest book for librarians, Advocating Digital Citizenship: Resources for the Library and Classroom is out in fall 2022 and she has another title to be released in early 2023 from the International Society for Technology in Education. She is also an adjunct instructor and in 2021 won an Outstanding Reference Source Award from the American Library Association for one of her books. Carrie is also a mother who applies what she teaches with her own family at home in Utah. experience in art and design allow her to employ visionary strategies to enrich progress and enhance advancement for students.
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