You're buried in data and lacking information with impact. From financial systems that put our reams of reports lacking insights and direction, to computer systems counting everything from the important to the unimportant, we have an issue. How do we make this information insightful for management and leadership? How do we spin data (in an ethical way) to promote, justify, and inform? This session provides the frameworks and tools for being strategic with data.
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Through this webinar, you will learn:
• the principles of "spin"
• techniques for presenting the "important"
• how to influence with power
The Art of Spin: Making the Most from your Library Metrics
Stephen Abram, MLS, a strategy and direction planning consultant for libraries and the information industry, is principal of Lighthouse Consulting Inc. He is also executive director of the Federation of Ontario Public Libraries. He is a library trend watcher, keynote speaker, innovator and author of Stephen’s Lighthouse blog. He has held executive leadership positions in libraries and at Cengage Learning (Gale), SirsiDynix, Thomson, ProQuest, and IHS.