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Brand Touchpoints: All the Stuff and All the Staff

You probably have a pretty good understanding of what a "brand" is. But what about a "brand touchpoint?" Do you know what that is? And do you realize that you are a brand touchpoint?


A brand is much more than a logo; it's how people feel about your library. And a touchpoint is any point of contact or interaction, which of course affects how people feel about an organization. So every person, and every space, and every item that's related to your library is a brand touchpoint. Every interaction that people have, face-to-face or online, affects their opinions of you.

It's vital for all library employees to realize this and to understand how to be the best brand ambassadors they can be. In this hour-long talk, Kathy Dempsey will connect the dots this way:

  • Define the business terms and relate them to libraries
  • Explain how every employee and every interaction matter
  • Discuss user experience (UX) and public perception
  • Share real examples of how laypeople see and discuss libraries
  • Offer guidelines on how to be a positive touchpoint


This session is meant to be eye-opening for employees, especially those who shy away from branding and marketing responsibility and those who don't believe their work matters to the public. And it's meant to be inspiring, to demonstrate how everyone matters, and to encourage listeners to strive toward their best work.

Brand Touchpoints: All the Stuff and All the Staff


$25 per person for 4+licenses

  • Kathy Dempsey wrote the how-to book The Accidental Library Marketer and founded her own marketing consultancy, Libraries Are Essential. Her work is dedicated to helping librarians and information professionals promote their value and expertise in order to gain respect and funding. Kathy has been the editor of Marketing Library Services newsletter for 26 years, and was formerly editor-in-chief of Computers in Libraries magazine. She also blogs at The 'M' Word, and is a member of the New Jersey Library Association. She's the founding chair of the popular Library Marketing and Communications Conference. 

  • Ask about discounts for 4 or more licenses. Contact Jenny Newman at or 240.751.0102.

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