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Library Programming: Getting it Right!

It's hard to manage a library programming portfolio. In Ontario, we've raised the number of programs province-wide by 82% in ten years and increased attendance by 66% - now 4.5 million attendees annually. Although circulation in our libraries has only grown 8% over 10 years, programs are the rock concert of libraries and our library programmers are the rock stars of these programs on the level of TED speakers and concert promoters.


Do you want to know our tips and tricks? Join Stephen Abram as he provides:


• ideas for making progress on an exciting and impactful plan for library programs in student and community library environments;

• innovative examples for new programs; and

• outlines the frameworks for measuring success, impact, and dealing with growth.

Library Programming: Getting it Right!

  • Stephen Abram, MLS, a strategy and direction planning consultant for libraries and the information industry, is principal of Lighthouse Consulting Inc. He is also executive director of the Federation of Ontario Public Libraries. He is a library trend watcher, keynote speaker, innovator and author of Stephen’s Lighthouse blog. He has held executive leadership positions in libraries and at Cengage Learning (Gale), SirsiDynix, Thomson, ProQuest, and IHS.

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