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Item List

Bully-proofing Your Library

Pat Wagner

Conscious Culture: Concrete Choices That Can Change Your Library Workplace

Pat Wagner

Course Correction: How to Guide Library Employees Back on Track

Pat Wagner

Creating Standards for Successful Customer Service (For Frontline Staff)

Pat Wagner

Curious About Library Supervision?

Pat Wagner

Dealing With Hostile and Potentially Dangerous Library Users

Pat Wagner

Everyday Leadership, Regardless of Your Job Title

Pat Wagner

Facilitating Big, Difficult Public Meetings

Pat Wagner

Financial Oversight Guidelines for Non-Financial Library Managers and Leaders

Pat Wagner

How to Break the Rules: Offering Great Customer Service to Everyone!

Pat Wagner

How to Give and Receive Feedback (Constructive Criticism) so Everyone is Still S

Pat Wagner

How to Keep Library Projects on Track: Project Management for Everyone

Pat Wagner

Hybrid/Blended Learning: Combining the Best of Virtual and “In-Person” Education

Pat Wagner

Library Ethics: Earning Trust and Respect During Difficult Times

Pat Wagner

Mastering Uncomfortable Conversations with Library Visitors

Pat Wagner

Positive Reinforcement: Motivation That Works for Library Workspaces

Pat Wagner

Recruiting, Hiring, Orienting, Maintaining and Saying Goodbye to Library Volunteers

Pat Wagner

Reverse Strategic Planning: Evaluating A Team’s Workplace Productivity

Pat Wagner

Seven Elements of Successful Online Presentations

Pat Wagner

Spark! Little Things that Attract Library Users and Increase Circulation

Pat Wagner

The Art of Delegation

Pat Wagner

Weeding Your Collection: What Can Go Wrong?

Pat Wagner

When Libraries Make Serious Mistakes with Customers

Pat Wagner

Working With Your Teens, Pages and Students as Library Employees and Volunteers

Pat Wagner

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